Stuck in Traffic -- Bike Traffic -- in Boston!

Posted by Gil Roeder

Sep 24, 2013, 7:09 PM

Yesterday I read an article in the Boston Globe about the use of bicycles for transportation in Holland and the lessons we might learn from the Dutch regarding cycling in Boston. So at the end of the day yesterday, I picked up my Hubway bike from the kiosk near our offices at HubSpot and bean my trip back to Porter Square.

Sidebar note: For the first time in my career, three years ago - I became a commuter -- a real commuter -- taking the commuter rail. But a year ago I discovered the Hubway and it essentially changed my commuting life. For $85/year I have the use of a Hubway bicycle whenever and wherever I want it anyway in the downtown Boston and Cambridge areas. It's great for trips of less than 30 minutes (essentially all of my trips during the work week) and the best part is it just works. The technology is really good, billing is accurate and fair and customer service is awesome. Does it work all the time? - no - I have had some glitches - but the positves far outweigh any snafus.

So far this year during my membership, I have taken 105 trips - I get a complete and accurate report of my start location, end location and time on the bike - great for those who like to track their "exercise".

Here is a sample of my report:


Gives me chance to get an extra 30 minutes of exercise every day.

Anyway back to traffic -- you know things are changing when in addition to watching out for cars on the road you have to pay attention to bikes passing you "on the left" as the chant goes or sometimes on the right? with no warning. 

As I cycled out Cambridge Street and onto Beacon street - it was difficult to find a place to stop at the traffic lights between all of the other bikes. This was the first time I have encountered this much bike traffic in all of my riding days in the US ( and by the way - I started out riding in New York City -- biking over the 59th Street Bridge from Queens to Manhatten before it was legal to do so)

Things are improving here in Boston for folks who enjoy cycling and want to use this as a form of transportaion for their commute. The bike lanes are helpful, Hubway is awesome -- just need cyclists and drivers to have a bit more education so we can share the road.



5 Tips to Improve Your AdWords Results

Posted by Gil Roeder

Jun 19, 2013, 5:56 PM

In the course of my work as a Consultant at HubSpot, I advise scores of companies on Inbound Marketing and AdWords strategies. Many of these companies are making the same kinds of mistakes in their AdWords accounts that are costing them money, time and leads/customers.

Here are some quick and easy fixes you can make to improve your results:

  1. Keep Search and Display Network separate – this is an easy trap to fall into as Google makes it almost the default condition to setup your campaign to operate on both the Search and Display Networks (We will discuss the difference between these in our next post). To be sure you don’t combine these you want to select Search network only for all of your campaigns to start (later on you can add in Display – it’s a different medium – with more possibilities for success – but also a lot more possibilities to run into trouble). To be sure that you are doing this and for ease of analysis later on name the campaign appropriately, e.g. Executive Travel – Search or Executive Travel – Display
  2. Target the countries and languages that you work in – not the entire world! – So when you are setting up your campaign, in the settings tab – you should be choosing target country United States and target language English (this is not to say that you shouldn’t be advertising in other places and in other languages, just that for most of the businesses that I deal with – they do most or all of their business in the US with English speakers. If you are selling international or to non-English speakers – create a separate campaign target directly at those countries and choose the languages you want to target too.
  3. Don’t start out with too many keywords – a few well-targeted keywords will do better for you than hundreds of not-so-well targeted keywords.
  4. Make sure your landing page ties in directly with your ad – or another way to put this is – Do NOT use your HomePage as the destination URL for your ads – probably the biggest error that most of my clients make is to send people to their homepage when they click on an ad. Google calculates a Quality Score for each of your keywords and the algorithm for calculating the Quality Score includes several factors:
    1. The Click-through rate (CTR) of the keyword
    2. Landing Page Quality - the Relevance of the Landing page to the Ad - this means you want to make sure that that page that you send people to is directly related to the Ad and the Keyword(Tip: use the Keyword in the headline of the Ad). But it is also OK if the landing page is thematically related to the keyword. The Landing Page Load Time is a factor too
    3. The CTR of the AdGroup’s Display URLs
    4. Account History – here older and more active accounts have a slight advantage of newer accounts
  5. Make sure to have two to four ads per ad group – keep your adgroups tightly themed. So each adgroup will typically have a small number of related keywords (it would be good to have one keyword per adgroup – but very impractical). Let Google test each of the ads in the adgroup – it will display them evenly if you choose the setting under Ad Rotation: Rotate evenly: Show ads more evenly for at least 90 days then optimize

That setting will let you see which ad is doing better and let you kill the poor performer and test other ads.

Using these 5 tips should help your performance getting started. If you would like me to review your AdWords account just contact me here

Yes! I would like a Free review of my Adwords Account







Cataract Surgery Eye Medication Charts Now Easy

Posted by Gil Roeder

Feb 2, 2013, 12:39 PM

Recently my wife had cataract surgery on both eyes. Typically this can be done over a 4-6 week period with a 2 week separation between the surgery on one eye and the other. The surgeries went well, the results have been great. One of the most difficult parts of the surgery was keeping track of the eye medications that needed to be taken for each eye. There are three different medications and for each eye over a four week period the number and types of medication vary in both content and number of times that they need to be taken.

To simplify the process - I created two charts -- one for each eye. Posted these in the bathroom and made it very easy to keep track of which meds were taken and how many times they were taken.

Download the chart for each eye:

 Download Left Eye Med Chart

Download Right Eye Med Chart


To use these charts just fill in the start date for the process -- all of the dates will then be filled in. Also fill in the meds that you will be taking -- we had 3 different meds -- just replace Med1,Med2,Med3 with your meds in the chart. We had a regimen of 4 times a day first week - then 3 times a day with fewer meds - then 2 times a day and then finally once a day. 

The chart is easily changeable - make sure you check with your surgeon after you have it ready.

Then just print them out and post in your bathroom.

Good luck!

Cataract Surgery Eye Medication Chart is Easy

Posted by Gil Roeder

Feb 2, 2013, 12:30 PM

Recently my wife had cataract surgery on both eyes. TYpically this can be done over a 4-6 week period with a 2 week separation between the surgery on one eye and the other. The surgeries went well, the results have been great. One of the most difficult parts of the surgery was keeping track of the eye medications that needed to be taken for each eye. There are three different medications and for each eye over a four week period the number and types of medication vary in both content and number of times that they need to be taken.

To simplify the process - I created two charts -- one for each eye. Posted these in the bathroom and made it very easy to keep track of which meds were taken and how many times they were taken.

You can download the chart for the left eye here and for the right eye here.

To use these charts just fill in the start date for the process -- all of the dates will then be filled in.

Then just print them out and post in your bathroom.

Good luck!

Leonard Cohen Gives Boston a 3.5 Hour Holiday Gift

Posted by Gil Roeder

Dec 16, 2012, 12:13 PM

Last night I was at the Leonard Cohen concert at the Wang Center in Boston. Without any reservations, this was one of the best concert experiences I have ever had. The Wang Center is an amazing venue - with its beautiful ornate ceilings and excellent acoustics. 

The concert began promptly with no opening act and ran for three and a half hours. The audience was a mixture of all age groups and the most polite (when appropriate) and raucous (when appropriate) audience I have ever been in. 

Leonard Cohen was energetic, humble and gracious the entire evening (in stark contrast to Bob Dylan as I recently heard him at the Garden with Mark Knopfler). He truly wanted to communicate with the audience - when he said we are going to give you all we've got -- he meant it.

He covered a huge swath of his reportoire - starting with Dance Me to the End of Time, and including such classics as Suzanne, Chelsea Hotel, Everybody Knows

, a spoken moving version of 1000 Kisses Deep, Bird on a Wire, and of course his most recent success Hallelujah.

The band was fantastic - they play with remarkable restraint -- i.e. you know that each one of them can (and does) break out into amazing flashes of virtuosity on their respective instruments. Even the backup singers are multi-instrumentalists and when they had their solo number - it was like being sung to by angels in heaven.

Clearly recent events had shaken Mr. Cohen - he pointedly left out the lyric

Maybe there’s a God above
But all I’ve ever learned from love
Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you 

from Hallelujah.

Each band member got a chance to be featured on different songs - and of course Sharon Robinson - longtime collaborator and co-songwriter got to shine on Alexandra Rising.

Even more striking was that Leonard Cohen thanked and introduced EVERY member of his production team - the sound guys, the lighting guys, the guitar technicians everybody -- he broke up those intros doing half at the end of Act 1 and the other half right before the close of the show.

Many standing ovations later we were all in awe of the experience we had just shared as we walked back to the T at Park street - much much later than we had ever expected.

If you can get tickets to this concert - you have a shot at going tonight December 16th -- do it -- you will love the evening!

How Adwords and Inbound Marketing Help Minority-owned Businesses Grow

Posted by Gil Roeder

Nov 16, 2012, 6:02 PM

How Adwords and Inbound Marketing Help Minority-owned Businesses Grow Faster

For the past 7 months, I have been privileged to work with Google in its Accelerate program. This program is collaboration between Google, HubSpot and local supplier development councils. The program offers minority businesses a chance to grow their business using a combination of Adwords and Inbound Marketing.

For almost all of these businesses, this is their first foray into the use of Adwords and it is for sure their introduction to Inbound Marketing. As a senior consulting project manager at HubSpot, I have consulted to and educated hundreds of companies in how to use Inbound marketing. As a serial entrepreneur I have used Adwords for several of my businesses as well as to promote my Art business.

In the program, the curriculum (and the companies have to agree to put in a minimum of 8 hours a week to work on the program) teaches the companies how to grow their business online and teaches them to:

  • get started with Adwords

  • use HubSpot to leverage their investment in Adwords,

  • track their results

  • follow up automatically and programmatically to leads

  • increase their website traffic and visibility by the creation of re-markable content including:

    • blogs

    • offers

    • calls to action

    • social media

What's so special about Adwords with Inbound

Many people in business have been around long enough to remember buying display advertising. I used to do this quite often myself. I would advertise in Computerworld magazine buying a full page ad in color for $25,000. I would place the ad and get a bill for $25,000. What kind of results did I get? Sometimes the phone would ring - sometimes we would get back one of those advertiser fill in cards and sometimes we would get very little or no response. When we got a dismal response, I would call my ad rep and say the ad is not working what should we do(not the best question to ask my advertising sales rep at the magazine!). Her response was always place the ad again - i.e. spend another $25,000 and see what happens.

At that point, I started thinking it would be really great if I could purchase advertising that I could actually measure and be charged for the advertising based on how many people actually read the ad and followed through.

It took a while for it to happen but Google's great achievement for marketers was inventing and implementing Adwords. Now businesses could launch as many ads as they wanted at NO charge and only pay for the ones that "worked"


How does it work?

To get started, consider a few questions...

  • What kind of business do you run?

  • Who is your customer? more precisely and to start who is your best kind of customer?

  • What is her job title?

  • How old is he?

  • What kind of business are they in?


If you have identified your customer (and that should be easy - remember you are the expert here) you are on your way. Now imagine that you are that person - i.e. imagine that you are your own imagined best prototypical best customer. You are sitting in front of your computer and you are trying to solve a problem the answer to which will be the product or service that YOUR company offers.

Now for the key question...

What would you type into Google to begin your search???

Taking a specific example, let's say you run a cleaning service in Concord, Massachusetts. You specialize in offices and businesses in the local area.

Let's say you are a cleaning service in Concord Massachusetts -

Your best customer is a property manager who owns small office buildings in the local area.

He's about 45 and is online a a lot...

He enters "office cleaning service concord massachusetts"


Here's what you see


The listings at the top in the yellow are the highest ranking google ads.

The listings down the right side are other google ads

The listings down the left are listings that come up organically - because they place high in their search engine optimization – these are FREE but it takes some work to get there (one of techniques and methods that we teach in conjunction with using the HubSpot tools)


But for now think about what it would be like if your company could appear here or here

If you're like most people I talk to about this you're probably saying “Cool" right now.

And that's right - you could be right up there tomorrow if you place an adwords ad.


So check out those ads that you see... how are the alike?

How are they different?

And more importantly, which one would you click on and why?

If you find one that you like and click on it – that is when the company that placed the ad actually has to pay -- not 25,000 dollars like we mentioned before but more like 25 cents or 50 cents or a dollar depending on the popularity of the phrase that you used to find this company.


Now for the hard part -- after checking out the ads you see and after trying several different phrases and seeing what comes up - now it's time to create your own ad on paper.


Give it a try - write a headline - 25 characters max including spaces.

Then  write two lines of body copy at 35 characters each


Now you have a couple of ads on paper - you've explored the phrases that your potential best customers would use to find you - and you are almost ready to create ads


Coming in for a Landing


When someone clicks on your ad the place that your visitor gets to is a website page that should do your selling for you! In inbound marketing terms, we call this a landing page. A landing page is a website page that ties in to your ad or your call to action, has a compelling marketing message and contains a form - a place for the visitor to give you the information you are looking for (in exchange for giving them whatever it was that drove them to your landing page and that you "closed" the initial part of the sale with the copy on the landing page.


The Hubspot software provides an easy to use method of creating landing pages that sell. And more importantly, the business does not need to hire outside help to create or design these pages -- so your company can have completely targeted landing/selling pages that accomplish exactly what you want them to do -- while giving the visitor something of value in return -- an ebook, a consultation, a tipsheet, a webinar, a free trial or demo.


Using this combined approach of HubSpot with Adwords, we have been able to jumpstart scores of minority-owned business to enhance their web presence, learn and understand who their websites are working for them, and more importantly help them attract new potential and actual customers and develop a marketing plan to grow with their business.





Customer Service at its worst from Mozy - my backup provider

Posted by Gil Roeder

Nov 9, 2012, 12:22 PM

I have been a customer of Mozy for two years now. Recently I got an email that my credit card had expired and they were unable to bill me.

So I went to their site and tried to enter a new credit card. Well, Mozy has officially implemented several Customer Prevention Policies! First in order to enter your credit card info you need to pass the Captcha test. Well I generally dislike Captcha, I dutifully entered the captcha code and failed and continued to fail for about 20 frustrating minutes. 

After a call to customer support - no wait - Mozy does not take customer support calls from Home subscribers -- with a live chat -- after another 15 minutes of frustration - the rep finally informed me that Mozy does not really work with Google Chrome and that the captcha will always fail if you are using Google Chrome. Nice to tell us that now!

So I went into Mozilla and finally was able to enter my cc info and thought I was done --but it turned out that when you re-enter your credit card info you are automatically billed for a multiyear subscription - and are not given the choice to choose a one year subscription that I wanted. But never mind that - the next day I got an email saying that my credit card had not been accepted.

So I went thru the process again and entered a different credit card. And once again thought I was all set. Then today I get a note from my bank - the first cc- saying they had taken $125 from my account for my Mozy two year subscription -- the one that supposedly didn't work.

Now I'm ending up being charged 180$ for my ostensible one-year subscription. So I tried to contact customer support and had the following interaction:



describe the imageNotice at the end -- I had to prompt her to apologize...

She says thank you -- and nothing else until my suggestion...

Mozy has an incredible problem with awful customer support -- I had to post on Facebook, Twitter and contact them multiple times because of their policy of not really wanting to support their Home customers for any reason. I can understand the no tech support policy -- but for accounting issues, they need to be able to have a phone conversation. For a company in the backup and protection of my digital assets business - This is a disgraceful way to do business.

After my posts on Facebook and twitter regarding Mozy customer service, other highly dissatisfied Mozy customers have been contacting me -- frustrated in their attempts to get support from Mozy -- thinking that I am Mozy customer support!


How Hubway changed my (commuting ) life

Posted by Gil Roeder

Nov 7, 2012, 9:45 PM

I had seen the HubWay bike depot


at North Station for months as I got off the commuter rail from Lincoln, MA on my way to HubSpot (no relation) on First Street in Cambridge. It looked interesting - twenty five or so shiny silver bikes neatly sitting in a bikeracklock device. I never thought much about checking it out.

One night in October, one of my classmates at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School showed me the Hubway depot near the law school. As he got on his Hubway and rode away I thought "hey I should give this a try". So the next day I took my bike helmet with me and when I got off the train at North  Station I walked across the path and had my first encounter with the hubway distribution technology.

Through a very simple user interface, Hubway had accepted my credit card. printed a receipt and printed out my take-bike code. I selected an available bike and punched in my take-bike code and the green light flashed and the bike was now mine. Ok - was now mine for 30 minutes. I put on my helmet got on the bike and rode the 8 minutes to Lechmere Station in Cambridge where I docked the bike(very important to do this part correctly - see below) grabbed my messenger bag from the nice carrying device on the bike and walked a half block to my office.

This was the greatest - I thought -- i didn't have to descend downstairs and wait for the GreenLine to get to Lechmere -- and it was at least as quick if not quicker to take the bike. At the end of the day - I just walked a half block to Lechmere station and put my credit card back in the HubWay Kiosk and not without some trepidation that I would be charged again(I wasn't) got a new take-bike code, selected a bike, punched in the code, removed the bike and away I went to North Station to catch the train. Arrived at North Station, docked the bike and caught the 5:40 train to Lincoln.

So how much does this cost? Well for $5.00 you get as many 30 minute usages of the bike as you want -- you will not pay a penny more (they do hold a $100 deposit on your credit card just in case) UNLESS you go over 30 minutes. In that case you are charged a progressively escalating fee - but if you go over by a few minutes, you are charged an extra $1.00 billed to your credit card.

I repeated this routine every day for 3 days at which point I was hooked. I signed up online for the HubWay key for $85.00 which gets me unlimited use of the system for a year -- of course with the 30 minute tranche limitation. But having the key speeds things up dramatically. I walk up to any bike, stick my key in the socket, wait for the light to turn green and take my bike away.

The wait for the light to turn green is especially important on returning a bike -- when you are taking a bike - you can't take the bike until the light turns green it is locked. But when you return a bike you need to make sure that the green light comes on after you put the bike back. If not, you could find a charge on your accountfor $65.00 on a day where I took the bike and rode it 12 minutes from Kendall Square to Lechmere. Apparently I didn't lock it in well or wait for the green light --

Needless to say I was surprised to see a $65 charge on my account. However, I called support at HubWay - by the way they are open 24/7 and answer their phones promptly. When I had the rep look up my account and explained what had happened he told me no problem as a first time situation we will credit your account - but make sure to wait for that green light each time you return a bike. So SUPERB customer service at Hubway!

In the meantime, I am delighted to be using the HubWay system every day - there are convenient stations all over Boston and Cambridge with more coming. I gett my daily dose of exercise and am enjoying biking in traffic with the many bike lanes that Boston and Cambridge has designated. I was especially pleased to see a sign as I was riding near the Museum of Science that said - something like bikes can take the whole lane.

So my commuting life has become a combination of fun, exercise and adventures in driving a bike in the city - highly reminiscent of my bike riding days growing up in New York City.

Harvard Law School is NOT on the Map

Posted by Gil Roeder

Oct 25, 2012, 12:04 PM

I've ignored most of the comments about the new Apple mapping app. And so far the app has mostly worked for me. But this morning as I walked from Porter Square to the Harvard Law School to pick up my Hubway bike, I wanted to check the distance for my walk.

So I entered Harvard Law School into the app and it was not found - so I was pointed at Harvard University. 

It is also not shown when you look at the map...


So I'm now entering the camp of those who are impatiently waiting for Apple to re-make the map app so that it is even at least as good as it used to be.


Sketching on the iPad with SketchbookPro and Paper

Posted by Gil Roeder

Jun 14, 2012, 7:55 AM

I've been commuting on the train for a while now and have been using two programs on my iPad for drawing and sketching. Each has their advantages and disadvantages. SketchbookPro is extremely full-featured and lets you save in Photoshop format with layers for later tweaking. Paper provides the most fluid drawing experience I have ever experienced. Paper also provide a standard "brush" that makes every stroke you draw just feel artistic.

Anyway, here's a recent sketch of a young woman on the Greenline -- this one is called Orange Girl on the GreenLine. I really like her sneakers. 

You can see more of my sketches here

Comments are welcome and ideas for other drawing programs and devices are always appreciated.

orange girl on greenline

Massachusetts Move Over Law -- saving lives or entrapping motorists?

Posted by Gil Roeder

May 31, 2012, 10:32 AM

Have you heard about the Move Over Law? Move Over Law Massachusetts resized 600
This law is the amendment to SECTION 1. Chapter 89, section 7B of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. And yes - anybody who has passed their driver's test knows that when an emergency vehicle is coming at you or behind you, you pull over (i.e. move over) as soon as you see it coming.
But the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has passed an amendment to the law. Most people seem not to have heard of it -- or if they have heard of it they do not know what it means.
The amendment states that motorists must move aside, i.e. to the left of the lane they are travelling in if there is an emergency vehicle in the breakdown lane with its flashers on.
And what it means is this -- now(and for the last three years) State Troopers in Massachusetts have a method of entrapping motorists into a $100 fine with a moving violation. Here's how it works for the troopers...
In theory, the law tries to deal with a safety issue - a valid and important safety issue to protect emergency workers(police, fire, EMTs and others) who are doing their job from being hit by passing vehicles who are going too close and too fast. However, the subjectivity of the amendment leaves it wide open for abuse by officers as a means to target motorists and to raise revenue. When used it this way, it seems to open up the gates to easy entrapment of motorists. 

Here's how it works in that case: An officer can pull over his vehicle into the breakdown lane and put on the flashers -- (or they can just sit in the breakdown lane with their flashers on) while they are writing a ticket or doing whatever - and if your vehicle passes them in the right hand lane -- the officer can make a determination that your vehicle COULD HAVE moved into the middle lane and didn't AND/OR can decide that EVEN WITHOUT USING RADAR that your vehicle was not passing at a REASONABLE SPEED. In which case, the officer can pull you over and issue you a summons for violating the Move Over Law.

Late last year, I was travelling in the right hand lane of the Mass Pike at a reasonably (to me) slow speed of about 45mph because I was about to get off at the next exit. 

I saw a trooper parked in the breakdown lane with his flashers on -- looked to me like a standard pull-over-a-vehicle situation -- so I slowed down further after checking to see if I could move over and determined that I could not move into the middle lane safely and then move back out to get off at the exit as I was planning. I also noticed no signs of activity outside of the vehicles in the breakdown lane i.e. no danger to any emergency personnel.

As I passed the officer, he peeled out, put on his flashers and pulled me over.
I asked him what I had done - he said "just your papers" (rude too). I handed him the papers he went back to his vehicle and came back in three minutes with the violation - I said "what is this?" - he said "you violated the move over law - it's a $100 fine and a moving violation on your record" - he went back to his vehicle and immediately pulled over another car who had just passed slowly by us in the breakdown lane.

I can't help but believe that there was no safety issue involved here but simply an officer trying to entrap motorists and make some money.

This openness to interpretation of this law is bad for the Commonwealth and bad for motorists and the Move Over Law sorely needs to be  repaired.

In my reading of the law (reproduced below), it is clear that I was not guilty -- I slowed down and passed the officer at a very reasonable speed after determining that going into the middle lane would be a dangerous move.
(Note: I pled not guilty and was granted a hearing at which the violation was overturned).
Here's how the actual law and amendment reads.
What do you think?

Move Over Law
“SECTION 1. Chapter 89 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 7B the 
following section:- 
Section 7C. (a) As used in this section the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires 
otherwise, have the following meanings: 
„Emergency response vehicle‟, a fire apparatus, police vehicle, ambulance, or disaster vehicle.
„Highway maintenance vehicle‟, a vehicle used for the maintenance of highways and roadways: (1) 
that is owned or operated by the executive office of transportation and public works, a county, a 
municipality or any political subdivision thereof; or (2) that is owned or operated by a person under 
contract with the executive office of transportation and public works, a county, a municipality or any 
political subdivision thereof.
„Operator‟, any person who operates a motor vehicle as defined in section 1 of chapter 90. 
„Person‟, a natural person, corporation, association, partnership or other legal entity.
„Recovery vehicle‟ a vehicle that is specifically designed to assist a disabled vehicle or to tow a 
disabled vehicle.

(b) Upon approaching a stationary emergency vehicle, highway maintenance vehicle or recovery 
vehicle with flashing lights an operator shall: 
(1) proceed with due caution, reduce the speed of the vehicle to that of a reasonable and safe speed 
for road conditions, and, if practicable and on a highway having at least 4 lanes with not less than 2 lanes 
proceeding in the same direction as the operator‟s vehicle, yield the right-of-way by making a lane change 
into a lane not adjacent to that of the emergency response vehicle, highway maintenance vehicle or 
recovery vehicle; or 
(2) if changing lanes is impracticable, proceed with due caution and reduce the speed of the vehicle 
to that of a reasonable and safe speed for road conditions. 
(c) Violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.

Freedom - still coming to a country near you

Posted by Gil Roeder

Apr 7, 2012, 9:25 AM

This post from last year is still just as valid this year.


Each year during the Passover season, I begin to think about Freedom and what it means.

One of the great things about Passover is that it is a celebration of Freedom – an ode to Freedom and what it means for humanity as a whole and for each of the peoples and nations individually. This year,2012, more than any in recent memory, the feeling of freedom is in the air – it’s becoming more and more difficult for oppressive regimes and rulers to keep their people from the information and sharing that is going on worldwide.

The Freedom Song, is a song that we have been singing every year at our Passover Seder – each year when possible we add a new verse to the song (needless to say it had gotten really long over time) but I’d like to share this song and I welcome any suggestions of a new verse for this year of 2011. We will add in the best new verse and it will become part of The Freedom Song…if yours is chosen you will receive an invite to our Passover Seder to share, music, food and freedom discussions with us.

Feel free to use the Freedom song in your own celebration of Passover or any other Freedom celebration at this time of year.

Let me know how it works out.

Graphic Novel Icon - Bud's Art Books - Shutting Doors - Amazing Liquidation Prices

Posted by Gil Roeder

Jan 26, 2012, 11:30 PM

One of the great icons of distribution and curating of the American and International Graphical Novel, Pop culture, Pulp novels, Art and Illustration, Pinups and Photography is shutting down his business. I have been a fan of Buds Art Books for a couple of years (he has been in the business for over 40 years) and was saddened to find out a month ago that he would no longer be sending his monthly catalog. But I was even more saddened to get the Final Final catalog which says "I am closing down Bud's Art Books".

graphic novels on sales

The only moderately bright note in all this is the possibility for any fans of the genres to pick up books and other items at ridiculously low prices. You can check them out here and if you are a fan let Bud know by commenting here or on Bud's site.

Take a look at the site -- you will find something you like for sure. If you're a fan of graphic novels, or manga, DC COmics, Mad, Dean Yeagle and Mandy, Boris Vallejo -- Bud's has something for you!



Jodorowsky Now in Lincoln MA at GilRoederStudio

Posted by Gil Roeder

Apr 14, 2011, 10:44 AM

Jodorowsky Now in Lincoln MA at GilRoederStudio


I've been a huge fan of Alejandro Jodorowsky since back in my graduate school days. In fact, I was once mistaken for one of his characters in El Topo on late night in New York City.For anyone who is not familiar with Jodorowsky let me recap...

Alejandro Jodorowsky is a Chilean writer and filmaker among other things. His best known (and my favorite) of his films is El Topo, which enjoyed a lengthy midnight run at the Waverly Theatre in Greenwich Village - kind of a precursor to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. More recently, he has been a writer of graphic novels with the 

collaboration of several amazing artists.

I'm excited to announce that the GilRoederStudio in Lincoln, MA is now carrying a line of Jodorowsky's graphic novels. Here is what we currently have available:

The MetaBarons Saga Volumes 1-4

The TechnoPriests - Books 1,2, and 3

Order an amazing graphic novel now!


The Technopriests Book three: The Perfect Game

Written by Alexandro Jodorowsky
Illustrated by Zoran Janjetov
Colors by Fred Beltran

THE TECHNOPRIESTS saga concludes as Albino the Supreme Technopriest fights galactic battleships and cosmic fortresses in his grandest battle yet! Jodorowsky and Janjetov create a gorgeous space opera adventure that pushes the imaginative limits of comics. Highly recommended for fans of Grant Morrison comics, Geoff JohnsGREEN LANTERN, and Jonathan Hickman's SHIELD.

96 pages
7.3 x 10.25 inches

Cover Price $19


jodo1 resized 600
Cover Price $15
Technopriests Book 2: Rebellion
Albino wants to join the Technoguild and free the minds of every citizen in the galaxy. However, the Technoguild is a vicious and corrupt organization and Albino will learn the hard way that the path to become a Technopriest is fraught with unimaginable danger. Parallel to Albino's adventures, his mother, brother and sister endure their own perilous quest to take revenge on the brutal pirates who fathered Albino and his siblings.

Cover Price $15
jodorowsky in gilroederstudio
Metabarons Saga Volumes 1-4

Written by Alexandro Jodorowsky
Illustrated by Juan Gimenez

Discover the lineage of a character first created by Jodorowsky and Moebius in the science fiction epic, THE INCAL, as the history of the warrior clan known as the Metabarons unfolds. Each generation of this ultimate bloodline of warriors must struggle to continue the traditions of their heritage and to overcome the forces amassed against them as they fight against a universe corrupted by greed, power and terror.

The Metabarons #1: Othon & Honorata
THE METABARONS #1: OTHON & HONORATA tells the story of Othon Von Salza, the first Metabaron, as he loses his family and his world in a series of tragedies that lead to the creation of the Metabaron clan. Told through a stunning mix of action, drama, and lavish artwork, this book is a perfect introduction to one of the most unique stories in comics today.

Cover Price $20


The Metabarons #2: Aghnar & Oda
Follow Aghnar, the son of the first Metabaron, from his earliest battle against the psychic witches of the Shabda-Oud to his attempt to win the hand and heart of their target: Oda the Capricious. How can he hope to fulfill her demand for a perfect blue rose, when the last rose died 30,000 years ago?

Cover Price $15

The Metabarons #3: Steelhead & Doña Vicenta
Follow Steelhead, who may be the most ruthless of all the Metabarons, as he shakes the galaxy with a reign of violence and murder. But when he falls madly in love with Doña Vicenta, the daughter of one of his many victims, Steelhead decides to prove himself worthy of love.

Cover Price $15

The Metabarons #4: Aghora & The Last Metabaron
The final volume by Jodorowsky and Gimenez in the epic sci-fi fantasy Metabarons saga. The ultimate bloodline of the Metabarons may come to an end with Aghora and her child. This volume concludes the Metabarons graphic novel series collection.

Cover Price $20


Freedom – coming to a country near You

Posted by Gil Roeder

Apr 9, 2011, 12:00 PM

Each year during the Passover season, I begin to think about Freedom and what it means.

One of the great things about Passover is that it is a celebration of Freedom – an ode to Freedom and what it means for humanity as a whole and for each of the peoples and nations individually. This year,2011, more than any in recent memory, the feeling of freedom is in the air – it’s becoming more and more difficult for oppressive regimes and rulers to keep their people from the information and sharing that is going on worldwide.

The Freedom Song, is a song that we have been singing every year at our Passover Seder – each year when possible we add a new verse to the song (needless to say it had gotten really long over time) but I’d like to share this song and I welcome any suggestions of a new verse for this year of 2011. We will add in the best new verse and it will become part of The Freedom Song…if yours is chosen you will receive an invite to our Passover Seder to share, music, food and freedom discussions with us.

Feel free to use the Freedom song in your own celebration of Passover or any other Freedom celebration at this time of year.

Let me know how it works out.

How Artists and Musicians Overcome Resistance

Posted by Gil Roeder

Mar 14, 2011, 2:52 PM

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield (author of The Legend of Bagger Vance) is a must-read book for any artist or musician. Of course, the title is a play on the title of the classic The Art of War by Sun-Tzu. Like its sortof namesake, the book is a series of advice nuggets designed to help the reader succeed in Art (or War).

war of art resized 600

Every artist of musician grapples with the blank page syndrome: how do I get started? What is my next book/song/image going to be? How do I overcome this RESISTANCE to getting started?

After reading this book, you will immediately become acutely aware of how resistance tries to thwart your progress at every step. It will be obvious to you that those phone calls you are making to friends for “support” are really Resistance(and resistance is anthropomorphized into a person here) beckoning you away from doing anything useful to further your artistic endeavors.

So if you want to get started on your next artwork – whatever it is – have a read of this book. It can’t hurt and moreover  the likely result will be some incredible new art being created. I immediately got started on my next series of pieces after reading the book – they will be posted on my website as soon as they are finished(as long as I can keep Resistance from entering my domain – and I think I can).

Artists and Musicians can do better with Inbound Marketing

Posted by Gil Roeder

Mar 9, 2011, 8:18 AM

If you are in the creative space, it is often a challenge to both produce the work and be creative and then figure out how to market your work - that takes some creativity also. But, emerging as the best way for small and medium size businesses to market themselves and their products is Inbound Marketing - the new marketing methodology that helps you Get Found online by people who are looking for what you have to offer, Convert those visitors to your site to leads and customers, and Analyze your results so that you can continually improve. 

All of the tools, training and methodology are available from HubSpot -, based in Cambridge MA. Hubspot has emerged as the leader in Inbound Marketing and recently raised an additional $32 million investment from Sequioa Ventures, Google, and Salesforce

As an artist, I use all of the HubSpot tools to help me to market my art and design that features seaside and urban art images and pieces - including original art, prints, tshirts and other products. Inbound Marketing has helped my art business dramatically increasing both the number of visitors to my site as well as sales.




Urban Art and Artists featured in Documentary -- but is it for real?

Posted by Gil Roeder

Feb 7, 2011, 12:58 AM

If you are interested in Urban Art, you must see Exit Throught the Gift Shop. This movie features appearances/"performances" from Banksy, Shepard Fairey, Mr.Brainwash and many others. 

Exit Through The Gift Shop is first feature film tobe made by Banksy. 
Banksy is a graffiti artist whose work can be seen on walls around the world. He protects his privacy to avoid prosecution and has so far resisted all attempts to be captured on film.

The movie is the story of how a French shop keeper named Thierry Guetta began to make films of urban artists and in the process attempted to locate and befriend Banksy.

But Banksy encouraged the artist turn the camera back on himself. There is rare footage of Banksy, Shepard Fairey, Invader and many other famous and infamous graffiti artists.

"It’s basically the story of how one man set out to film the un-filmable. And failed". - Banksy

Famed street artist Banksy stars in this new documentary, a collaboration with Terry Guetta (akaMr. Brain Wash), called "Exit Through The Gift Shop." We had the chance to check out the film, a result of unprecedented access to the artist over the last ten years, and loved the new insight into Banksy's work, as well as learning how it evolved from street art to collective works.

Here is a trailer for the movie from

After leaving the movie, my first response was to go online and try to verify if any of it was real. Both Banksy and Thierry Guetta are pretty unreliable narrators. I wasn't even sure if Thierry actually existed or if he was Banksy or if he was working together with Banksy.

So is it true? I verified that Mr.Brainwash does exist and thtat the monumental art exhibit shown in the movie did exist and that Mr. Brainwash generated a huge amount of cash form himself in the process of creating "art".

Shepard Fairey who is in the movie said “Of course the more I try to say it’s all true, the more it sounds like I’m somehow perpetuating the conspiracy,” 

Let us know what you think.

And you can see some urban art from Boston, New York other locales here.


17 Art Museums Featuring Modern Art and Classical Art Now Online

Posted by Gil Roeder

Feb 4, 2011, 12:48 AM

Google has launched a website where you can visit 17 of the great art museums of the world. Through you can actually walk through these museums using Google's streev view technology. Each museum has selected one of its most prized pieces from its collection to be included in googles extremely high res view.

These images contain around 7 billion pixels, enabling the viewer to study details of the brushwork and patina beyond that possible with the naked eye.

Here's a detail from "The Birth of Venus" eyeofvenue resized 600

You can zoom in much further even than this - it's quite amazing.

The tours of the museums allow you to navigate thru the museum using its own floor plan - is it just like being there? 

And for a gallery/studio that's much closer to home you can check out the GilRoederStudio in Lincoln Massachusetts.

The Urban Art of Keith Haring

Posted by Gil Roeder

Dec 22, 2010, 4:32 PM

A few nights ago I was at a company Holiday party at the MIT Museum. As someone who specializes in Urban Art of Boston and Cambridge, I was intrigued to discover the MIT Holographic exhibit while attending the party.

The MIT Holographic exhibit is on the second floor of the museum and it was there that I discovered this Holograph of Keith Haring (1958-1990).

When I told some of my friends about this discovery, I was surprised to discover that many of them had never heard of him. So I wanted to expose Keith Haring to those who may not have heard about him or who may not have seen his art.

This is a photo of a Holograph!

IMG 0427 resized 600

Here is an example of one of his pieces:

h keith haring pisa mural

copyright Keith Haring Foundation

His media were performance art, video, installation - but when he found that there was unused advertising panels in the News York City subway -- he began to find his niche. Using white chalk he created hundreds of public/urban drawings.

Of course, New Yorkers, being New Yorkers would converse with him when they came upon him working in the subway. It was his "laboratory" and this was the place he could experiment.

He created more than 50 artworks in cities throughout the world.

One of his most famous is Crack is Wack on the FDR Drive in New York City.

Haring was diagnosed with Aids in 1988 and died in 1990.

Urban Art of New York and Boston

Boomer Artists: You need help marketing your art

Posted by Gil Roeder

Dec 1, 2010, 9:56 AM

Marketing your art to Boomers


There are currently about seventy seven million boomers in the USA!

Many of these are looking for second careers or need to find different or additional work due to the shrinking economy. Some of these boomers are going to turn or have already turned to the art business for their new careers. 

If you are starting out in a new business as an artist you will need a website for a start. The website for artists will usually provide a place for potential clients to view your work - whatever kind of work you do. But just having a website is not enough.

You will need to market your art yourself and your site. For Boomers, your first thought is likely to be one of the old standbys in what is called Outbound Marketing -- run a print ad, send out some art-postcards (i.e. a direct mail campaign), call your friends and tell them you are having a show. 

But there has been a sea-change in the world of marketing that you are probably not aware of. The change involves the practice of Inbound Marketing. Inbound Marketing is the process of having businesses (and yes as an artist you are a business) get found online.

Remember that once you have your website it's not at all a given that your clients will find you on the web. You have to become a presence. This process of getting found and becoming a presence on the web is what Inbound Marketing is all about. And it is a process - it will involve a combination of learning how to Optimize your site so that the search engines can find you, becoming a authority in your area of expertising by Blogging and also by using social media to connect and interact with people who could become interested in what you have to say and show.

Once you are found online, by a "visitor" to your website, you want to make sure that that visitor has every opportunity to become a "lead" and ultimately to become a client of your art business. And of course you want to be able to Analyze your results and see how you are doing and if you are spending real dollars to market your art business, how effective that spending and your effort is.

One of the leading sources for free information and resources for people getting started in Inbound Marketing is Hubspot (  I have recently converted my approach to marketing website of Coastal Art, Urban Art and Fine Art giclees and prints to an Inbound Marketing approach. Before this, I was spending a bunch of money on Pay Per Click advertising with very little to show for it. With the inbound marketing approach, I am generating leads and visits to my site that I have never thought possible. And anyone can do it. 

What is Urban Art, Anyway?

Posted by Gil Roeder

Nov 18, 2010, 10:59 PM

What does it mean to say something is Urban Art? Well, wikipedia says the following:

Urban art sometimes known as graffiti is a style of art that relates to cities and city life often done by artists who live in or have a passion for city life. The term urban means "from the city". Sometimes Urban art is called "street art". The style of this art is mostly cartoon based, and sometimes realistic. The art is sometimes viewed as vandalism and destruction of property.

I think that Urban art can be much more than graffiti -- it can be art that captures city life in a photorealistic way and does not have to be painted on the actual buildings or sidewalks - but rather can be images of buildings, storefronts, billboards, and even of people captured in the moment on streets, in front of stores and even riding the public transportations.

Here is an example of some amazing city art from Lisbon, Portugal - this art happens to be on buildings but is it graffiti, or Urban art or both? (click on the image to see more)

describe the image

You can watch the creation of this here:

and here is some urban art from Boston, MA (click on the image to see more)

man in black plastic

Urban art can be exciting, edgy, sexy and not have to be grafiti. If you have any thoughts or ideas on this I'd love to hear them.

Finding Cool Urban Art Using StumbleUpon

Posted by Gil Roeder

Nov 18, 2010, 12:04 AM

Stumbleupon is a website that you can use to discover new and interesting websites. Artists and Photographers and others interested in art can use it discover cool and interesting art that people have suggested and liked. You might find some interesting urban art or some beautiful seaside or coastal art. You will see some giclee prints. The categories are broad but you can tune your results by clicking the like it button when you see something you like.

It works like this -- you go to and register.

Registration is free. After registering you are asked to describe your interests. You can choose from many categories and select as many as you like.


If you want to focus exclusively on art and photography - limit your selection accordingly. If you don't mind mixing art and music, select some music that you like - I always include Jazz in my selections.

Below is a video showing the whole process.

Using Stumbleupon video

If you are an artist and someone suggests one of your images on your site as a Stumbleupon link, you will likely see an increase in visits to your site.

It's easy to spend a lot of time just "stumbling" around -- so try this when you have some free time to spare.

3 Steps to Insuring Accurate Colors when Printing a Giclee Edition

Posted by Gil Roeder

Nov 16, 2010, 10:59 PM

If you are using Photoshop to create, edit, prepare and print your artwork, you have probably grappled with the problem of be sure that the colors you print are just like the colors you see on your screen. It's important to match the paper you are using to your printer and to get photoshop to cooperate in the process.

So here here some tips for doings this.

First for whatever paper you are using, go to the website of the manufacturer and see if they have profiles -- most of them will.

I use Museo Silver Rag paper so I go to this website



I click on Museo Silver Rag



Then download the profile.

Once you have downloaded the profile, just click on it and it will be installed in the proper folder.

Then you have to get your printer and photoshop to agree on who is in control

To use the profile

  • you should be sure that your image has an embedded profile of its own. Next, set up your Proof Setup in Photoshop.
  • Go to View/Proof setup/Custom. 
  • Set your profile to Epson Museo, do not check the Preserve ColorNumbers, set the intent to Perceptual with No black-point compensation. 
  • Save your new proof setup as Museo™.
  • Now, when you go to Print with Preview, select Show More Options under the image. Make sure the drop-down listshows Color Management, then, 
  • set your Source Space to Proof. This should now show Museo, if not, select Museofrom the Drop-down options. Finally, be sure that the print space options match your proof settings, the intent should be Relative. 
  • for Museo Silver Rag: Select Advanced in the bottom right of the Epson printer driver. 
  • Now set the image quality atphoto-1440dpi. Under Color Management Select ICM, then select No Color Adjustment, be sure your paper selection(media type) is set to Premium Luster. 

Artists, Musicians Accept credit cards on their mobile phones!

Posted by Gil Roeder

Nov 5, 2010, 9:42 AM

For any artist or musician who has participated in a street fair, one of the thorny problems is accepting credit cards. You can bring a standard swiping device, or process it on paper or not acceptr them at all. Moreover, if you are just getting going, you have to sign up and pay a startup fee to get going.

But a company called Square ( has introduced a gizmo and a method for using your cellphone to accept payments. The process is: go to their site, sign up (free) and they will send you a gizmo to plug into your phone. Once you are setup you can begin accepting credit card payments right away. 

I tested mine today while riding the train. I was able to charge a credit card thru my phone while riding the commuter rail from Lincoln to Boston. They take a percentage of the deal 

Square's card processing fees are:

2.75% + 15¢ for swiped transactions

3.5% + 15¢ for keyed-in transactions

There are no activation, gateway, monthly, early termination, or hidden fees.

No limits on transaction size.

Check out this video which shows the gizmo in action...

Slideshow for GilRoeder Studio

Posted by Gil Roeder

Nov 2, 2010, 2:38 PM

The art show on October 17th was a great success. Here are some of the pieces we showed.

First Post for the Blog

Posted by Gil Roeder

Nov 2, 2010, 2:36 PM

This blog will be my musings on Art, Design, the Arts, Movies and other stuff.