Jodorowsky Now in Lincoln MA at GilRoederStudio
I've been a huge fan of Alejandro Jodorowsky since back in my graduate school days. In fact, I was once mistaken for one of his characters in El Topo on late night in New York City.For anyone who is not familiar with Jodorowsky let me recap...
Alejandro Jodorowsky is a Chilean writer and filmaker among other things. His best known (and my favorite) of his films is El Topo, which enjoyed a lengthy midnight run at the Waverly Theatre in Greenwich Village - kind of a precursor to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. More recently, he has been a writer of graphic novels with the
collaboration of several amazing artists.
I'm excited to announce that the GilRoederStudio in Lincoln, MA is now carrying a line of Jodorowsky's graphic novels. Here is what we currently have available:
The MetaBarons Saga Volumes 1-4
The TechnoPriests - Books 1,2, and 3
Order an amazing graphic novel now!

The Technopriests Book three: The Perfect Game
Written by Alexandro Jodorowsky Illustrated by Zoran Janjetov Colors by Fred Beltran
THE TECHNOPRIESTS saga concludes as Albino the Supreme Technopriest fights galactic battleships and cosmic fortresses in his grandest battle yet! Jodorowsky and Janjetov create a gorgeous space opera adventure that pushes the imaginative limits of comics. Highly recommended for fans of Grant Morrison comics, Geoff Johns' GREEN LANTERN, and Jonathan Hickman's SHIELD.
96 pages 7.3 x 10.25 inches Color
Cover Price $19
Cover Price $15
Technopriests Book 2: Rebellion
Albino wants to join the Technoguild and free the minds of every citizen in the galaxy. However, the Technoguild is a vicious and corrupt organization and Albino will learn the hard way that the path to become a Technopriest is fraught with unimaginable danger. Parallel to Albino's adventures, his mother, brother and sister endure their own perilous quest to take revenge on the brutal pirates who fathered Albino and his siblings.
Cover Price $15

Metabarons Saga Volumes 1-4
Written by Alexandro Jodorowsky
Illustrated by Juan Gimenez
Discover the lineage of a character first created by Jodorowsky and Moebius in the science fiction epic, THE INCAL, as the history of the warrior clan known as the Metabarons unfolds. Each generation of this ultimate bloodline of warriors must struggle to continue the traditions of their heritage and to overcome the forces amassed against them as they fight against a universe corrupted by greed, power and terror.
The Metabarons #1: Othon & Honorata
THE METABARONS #1: OTHON & HONORATA tells the story of Othon Von Salza, the first Metabaron, as he loses his family and his world in a series of tragedies that lead to the creation of the Metabaron clan. Told through a stunning mix of action, drama, and lavish artwork, this book is a perfect introduction to one of the most unique stories in comics today.
Cover Price $20
The Metabarons #2: Aghnar & Oda
Follow Aghnar, the son of the first Metabaron, from his earliest battle against the psychic witches of the Shabda-Oud to his attempt to win the hand and heart of their target: Oda the Capricious. How can he hope to fulfill her demand for a perfect blue rose, when the last rose died 30,000 years ago?
Cover Price $15
The Metabarons #3: Steelhead & Doña Vicenta
Follow Steelhead, who may be the most ruthless of all the Metabarons, as he shakes the galaxy with a reign of violence and murder. But when he falls madly in love with Doña Vicenta, the daughter of one of his many victims, Steelhead decides to prove himself worthy of love.
Cover Price $15
The Metabarons #4: Aghora & The Last Metabaron
The final volume by Jodorowsky and Gimenez in the epic sci-fi fantasy Metabarons saga. The ultimate bloodline of the Metabarons may come to an end with Aghora and her child. This volume concludes the Metabarons graphic novel series collection.
Cover Price $20