Graphic Novel Icon - Bud's Art Books - Shutting Doors - Amazing Liquidation Prices

Posted by Gil Roeder

Jan 26, 2012, 11:30 PM

One of the great icons of distribution and curating of the American and International Graphical Novel, Pop culture, Pulp novels, Art and Illustration, Pinups and Photography is shutting down his business. I have been a fan of Buds Art Books for a couple of years (he has been in the business for over 40 years) and was saddened to find out a month ago that he would no longer be sending his monthly catalog. But I was even more saddened to get the Final Final catalog which says "I am closing down Bud's Art Books".

graphic novels on sales

The only moderately bright note in all this is the possibility for any fans of the genres to pick up books and other items at ridiculously low prices. You can check them out here and if you are a fan let Bud know by commenting here or on Bud's site.

Take a look at the site -- you will find something you like for sure. If you're a fan of graphic novels, or manga, DC COmics, Mad, Dean Yeagle and Mandy, Boris Vallejo -- Bud's has something for you!